Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Things to look forward to.

I have taken a short break from working on the unicyclist, which is still on target to be completed by the second wednesday of September, and am working on a book report, which will appear this coming Wednesday. Yes, I know I'm not in third grade any more, but the book I am reporting on ties directly into the subject of wire sculpture, especially kinetic sculpture. The book was even featured on my favorite PBS children's television show, next to Wishbone––The Reading Rainbow with Levar Burton.

I am also starting to do preliminary work on the flapping bird tutorial that I mentioned in one of the unveiling videos.  I will be releasing the tutorial videos in series beginning This November. That about wraps up this Update Wednesday, so I'll leave you with two final statements: Please Support your local public television stations so that they can continue to bring wonderful inspirational and educational programming to both you and your children; and finally, in my own take on Levar's famous closing salutation, "I'll see you, next Update Wednesday."

Thursday, August 21, 2014

It's Wednesday Somewhere:

It's not Thursday everywhere, yet. After much ado, here is the tutorial video in the raw, it is about 45 minutes long, so set some time aside if you are going to watch it through to the end. If you decide to make a mobile of your own, post a picture or a link to a picture in the comments section, I'd love to see what you all come up with. Happy bending.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Phone is Dead. Tutorial to be released on Wednesday.

My watertight box leaked while I was kayaking yesterday, and the few drops of water that got in fried my cellphone. I thought I was smart by installing an 8 gig micro SD card to put my photos on, but I forgot to tell the phone to record photos and Videos to the removable storage device, and as such my video is irrevocably lost on the phone's hard-storage. This being the case, I am rerecording the video tonight, and will be releasing the tutorial video tomorrow as this week's feature for Update Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Skeletal Articulations Complete!

I finished building all of the articulations for the skeleton on Monday night, but only got around to some minimal tweaking on the mechanism last night. As much as I hate to, I am pushing back the completion date for this project yet again, since it seems that everyone wants a piece of my time as of late. The sculpture will be completed by the second wednesday of september at the very latest. Update Wednesdays will continue as usual, and I personally guarantee that the simple wire mobile tutorial will be published at the previously designated deadline of Tuesday August 19 (by 17:00 CST).

Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday Update

Today I am posting a small update. I will be submitting the boardtrack racer to the art competition in lieu of the unicycler, which will be completed by the next update wednesday. The simple wire mobile tutorial video will be availible on Tuesday the 19th of August.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Update Wednesday Postponed.

Due to mitigating circumstances, I am putting this week's update off until this Friday. Fear not, Update Wednesdays will resume as usual next week.