Monday, November 30, 2015

Rebooting Late this December!

The Reboot is coming, so be sure to check out the new official Moving Wire Website,  I will be posting again soon, so keep watch on Facebook, Twitter, and Blogspot for more exciting developments!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Still Alive!

Dear Reader,

I realize it has been some time since my last post. I have been a busy man these past few months, and have had no time to make wire sculptures. You can expect to see tutorial part two in early July. I have a few new designs that I am itching to try out, and you can expect to see another large sculpture this June. In the mean time, you can expect a few mini sculptures over the next four or five weeks.

Best Regards,

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Angry Cat

I am finally back from my hiatus. Here is a new commissioned piece that I just made for a coworker.

Update Wednesdays will begin again next week, so stay tuned.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bending Basics: Part 1

After a few delays due to my day job, the first installment of the Bending Basics micro tutorial series: is ready for viewing. In this tutorial series I decided to start from the beginning, with what I consider to be the absolute essentials of wire sculpting. Are you ready to meet the Pliers?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Back on for Tuesday

After much delay, I am back online. I have been quite busy these past two weeks or so, but not with wire sculpture. I will release the tutorial this Tuesday. Expect a small update on Wednesday, as I get back into the groove of sculpting and posting. I also plan to take part in NaNoWriMo, so updates may be sparse this November.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Technical Difficulties

Dear followers and friends,

my main internet is down, and will not be back up and running until next week. As such, Tutorial Tuesday is delayed until next week. Update Wednesday is also postponed, and will return as a double feature next week.

Thanks for understanding,

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Door to My Mind's Eye.

This video provides a window into the rudimentary sort of image that I visualize when I begin work on kinetic sculptures. Outside of scaling for miniatures, I tend not to do any sort of work with pencil and paper; instead, I opt to work out the nuances of my sculptures in wire, because my mental images tend to be three dimensional, and I find it much easier to translate a three dimensional visualization into to three dimensions, than trying to construct a three dimensional component from a two dimensional paper drawing.